From Megan
John Howe's Fantasy Drawing Workshop Surprisingly, I actually got something from my birthday wishlist.
And also the movie Summer Wars. I didn't really like it, so after watching it Megan and I bought The Girl Who Leapt Through Time on Amazon. Love that movie!
From Nate and Jackie
A new sketchbook (hooray!) and cool art supply things. Erm, I don't really want to explain.
Last but not least, my parents got me an Intuos 4 Tablet from Wacom!
I practically haven't put it down since I got it, and I made my first real-ish picture on it yesterday. You can look at it on facebook, cause for some reason I can't load it here.
I love my family so much I can't thank them enough for everything they do for me. Birthdays shouldn't be about ourselves but all the wonderful people in our lives. Like my absolutely wonderful parents, who, even if they hadn't given me the one birthday present I wanted more than almost anything, would still be wonderful. And Megan, who loves to spoil me rotten and is the best roomate/fellow Hogwarts student/advice giver in the world. And also Leslie, Daniel and Camille who came rollerskating with me. And everyone else who's so great to me. Thank you for keeping me alive for 16 years.
Love you Amanda!