I've been saying forever that I want to go to BYU's International Cinema. The extra culture, the free entertainment, there's a lot of appeal. But somehow, I've never made it. Never until tonight. One of my profs encouraged us to go see this weekend's feature--
Metropolis, a silent German film from the 1920s. I took him up on it, and I'm glad I did, although I can't say I loved the movie. I didn't like or dislike it. In fact, I feel like I am completely unqualified to give an opinion. The film was a product of a completely foreign culture--and I don't just mean nationality.
Metropolis made me realize how much the genre of film has changed in just a hundred years. Not only has the technology changed, but audience expectations and methods of interpretation too. For example, the romance of 1927 looked today like possible possession or a psychotic fit of some sort. So, while I can't say whether it was good or bad,
Metropolis was certainly worth watching as it caused me to metacognate about how I watch movies, and the International Cinema experience was definitely worth repeating.
Do they only do it on the weekends? Sounds like something I would really enjoy!