I feel like such a slacker for not posting as often as Megan, but at least I haven't completely abandoned my duties. I recently made a new costume for AJ. Megan and I have been having Harry Potter fever lately and this was one of the many ways I expressed it (not to mention the countless doodles of myself in Hogwart's school robes all over my math homework).
As I continue in these mini-costume escapades I begin to find that the sleeves on my shirts and such never turn out right and I am beginning to think that I will have to stop being lazy and attempt to sew them right. I also think I might want to iron the outfits as well, because things like AJ's robe won't stay right-side-out and it bothers me.
Unfortunately, I have given way to the modern world and gave AJ a tie and vest. I never pictured Hogwart's robes to be like that when I first read them, but now I find it hard to picture them any other way.
I also made a stand for AJ, because she becomes too unstable on her feet when burdened with her outfits. Things in her schoolbag: heavy textbook, probably something like Advanced Arithmancy; old-looking parchment; and a quill and inkwell.
AJ begins her assignment on "The Aftermath of the Goblin Wars and their Overall Benefit to the Wizarding Community"
Like her much larger, much less a wizard, counterpart, AJ takes a rather long time in finishing her assignments.
She likes to play all the positions.
Like Chaser.
Her favorite position is Beater.
Go Kenmare Kestrels! Or if it's the Quidditch World Cup, Ireland in general.
So that's what you were sewing! I love the upside down flying.